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PostWysłany: Czw 0:14, 21 Mar 2019    Temat postu:
PostWysłany: Wto 14:52, 01 Paź 2013    Temat postu: White on White crime more prevalent than Black on Black

Palmela: The FBI and U.S. Census Bureau no longer distinguish between Hispanics (who are actually Spanish speaking Indians for the most part) and Whites; their crimes in FBI statistics are lumped together.

8:29 a.m. Tue, Oct. 1st

White on White crime more prevalent than Black on Black

Kush Azrael |
8/16/2013, 11:55 a.m.

When White on White crime takes place it’s never talked about the way it is when Blacks commit crimes.

In the United States, a White person is almost six times more likely to be killed by another White person than by a Black person, according to FBI homicide data.
In 2011, there were more cases of Whites killing Whites than there were Blacks killing Blacks.
However, the mainstream media obsesses over Black on Black violence and rarely mentions the problem of White on White violence.

These statistics have not led to a media outcry about the problem of White on White crime or the unique pathology of the White community.

Nor has the White community stood up to demand change in their community like the Black community does when trying to tackle instances of Black on Black crime.

Most White people don’t kill White people. Yet media pundits, from Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly to CNN’s Don Lemon, have no problem using the phrase “Black on Black violence” despite the fact that most Black people don’t kill Black people.

When the news talks about gang-related deaths, they treat it as an almost exclusively Black problem.

However, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, for the period of 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang homicides were committed by White offenders, and the majority of gang homicide victims (56.5 percent) were White.

When was the last time you’ve seen on the news, discussions about a White-gang problem?

Crimes committed by White people are explained as deviations of the individual but have nothing to do with race, but crimes committed by Blacks or Latino’s are somehow attributed to race.

Gang-bangers from South Chicago have somehow become a symbol that Black men are to be feared, but you don’t get the same fear that one could attach to the brutal murders committed by Neo-Nazi skinheads.

According to statistics from the Justice Department, White men are more likely to kill than any other racial group. When it comes to how and why people kill, Black men do, in fact, outnumber Whites in gun-related homicides, but especially drug-related offenses.

However, White men top the list in most all other categories.

When the Bureau of Justice Statistics collected homicidal rates from 1980 to 2008, they found that compared to Blacks, Whites were more likely to kill children, the elderly, family members, and their significant others.

They commit more sex-related crimes, gang related crimes, and are more likely to kill at their places of employment.

So why does America still perpetuate the lie of Black criminality?

Is it because one in 15 Black men are in prison?

That may not explain it. The racial biases in the War on Drugs contribute to the high incarceration rates.

Studies show that Blacks are no more likely than Whites to use or sell drugs.

Blacks actually only make up 14 percent of regular drug users.

Yet Blacks are more likely to be arrested for drug crimes, and receive longer sentences than Whites.

Should we blame gangster rap with the gun-toting rappers? If so, why can’t we blame a White man with a pistol being used to symbolize Second Amendment rights?

Jones Murphy ·

Top Commenter · Caltech · 134 subscribers

This article badly understates the dishonesty of those who rail against "black on black crime". Most killings in the US are for-profit homicides committed with pollution. The overwhelmingly white CEO's and fat cats of these companies are known to a scientific certainty to kill way more than 3 times the number of conventionally defined "murder victims"(70,000 per year), and to assault and injure seriously vastly more than that. The same is true when you just focus on property crimes. The FBI simply doesn't keep track of corporate crime, which is overwhelmingly larger in aggregate than blue collar crime in dollar damage to society. We're still in an ongoing global economic crisis precipitated by America's biggest corporate criminals, most of whom have gone unpunished because of a half-century of deregulation and decriminalization of corporate crime.

Reply · 51 ·

· August 17 at 12:31pm

Shereen Hart · Top Commenter · National Center for Paralegal Training

Committed with pollution? Committed with war.

The United States, the youngest country on the planet, has spent more than 2/3rds of its existence in for-profit WARS, and Black folks sure don't get credit from those "pundits" for the Black lives lost fighting their illicit criminal wars against other poor people who haven't done a dam-ned thing to them.

Reply · 19 ·

· August 17 at 9:01pm

· August 18 at 10:54am

William Elbert Lee · The New School

@Shareen: war = pollution. As it entails the destruction of land and now that the big bad boys are allowed to use it, the permanent poison of depleted uranium. The Viet Nam war left their country with a legacy of cancer and childhood disease from agent orange. The middle East is plagued by widespread infant death and cancer from our DU shells. Mark... this is off topic, but actually part of the larger dialogue. We speak of crime as if it were citizens against citizens... when the greatest crimes are the governments against the people and nature.

· August 18 at 4:46pm

Gary McDonald

Currently there is one Black American to every 6.1 White Americans shear numbers alone can " Justify " why white crime is higher as being both committed against and victimized by the white populus.

Not taking into account the poverty levels of both the White and Black population in North America where I'm sure the numbers would come closer to evening out even with the ratio differences, the Black populations crime rate would I'm sure dive drastically again....

Personally I just cant see how this " STUDY" can be made without the added factors of Demographics, Geographic, Economical status of regions, and poverty levels. Interesting would be the study of crime Black on Black, White on White, and Black on White, and White on Black with the ratio of both added in also! In my perfect World we would be looking at the crime rate as a whole with no division whatsoever and brainstorming on how to put an end to all of it! PEACE OUT!

· August 17 at 5:23pm

Edem Mephistopheles Ahadome · Works at Student

It is simple really, give the ignorant masses an enemy and they will be so distracted ripping each other apart, they cannot see the obvious that the elite is robbing them blind whiles they fight over crums, quite intelligent of the elite because, divide and rule, because unity means accountability and they are really keen to avoid.

Susan Hanley · Hickory, North Carolina

Edem Mephistopheles Ahadome SO WELL PUT ! AND.......CLEARLY EXPRESSES the TRUTH !

Clayton Lynn · Chicago, Illinois

Actually Black and Brown outnumber whites but they keep our numbers down to make u feel safe, that is why "North Africans" can now claim white and other ethnic groups. Remember when Irish and Italians where not considered white?

It's so they can lock up the dark and brown skinned people to keep them down. Their thought process is, if we take the man from the picture then there can be no reproduction. Keep them on the system, continue to mentally castrate the males, put bars/liquor stores on every corner of their neighborhoods, promote self hate and keep them incarcerated (in bondage as they're use to - slave trade) than we don't have to answer for the past and we'll remain a minority, in power and on top. It's the fear of knowing in 2016 they will be the minority and they are afraid that the black and brown population will retaliate and deal with them. TRUTH

Gary McDonald
I am sorry but quoting Rev. Al Sharpton is not a very original thought....Maybe if individuals took responsibility for their own behaviors instead of relying on excuses to fall back on for their lack of drive to be successful. There are many, many persons of color that are extremely successful and affluent in society! People that grew up with nothing that had been taught nothing and the only thing they had was the drive to make themselves the best and most successful person they could be! It all starts with ME! Not WE!!!!

William Knowlin
Gary McDonald The purpose of this article is to point out the fact that the American media has portrayed African Americans as a race of criminals not capable of being civilized productive human beings.
This portrayal has existed every since the first black and white box came of production lines and placed into the homes of American families. But statistics has always proven this to be incorrect. This isn’t about vilifying white America but instead painting a true picture about my brothers and sisters by comparing their stats to the people who are actually in power doing the vilifying. For those people who are pointing out the fact that white outnumber blacks 6:1 and this is why white statistics are higher than blacks. I ask you, when you are listening to the media speak about black on black crimes, do you scream out load ...See More

Gary McDonald
William Knowlin: Regarding my reference to being successful people i was referring to the Black community. There is nothing in anything i have written above that is turning a blind eye to racism and as far as your little history lesson YES i did happen to know all of that!! lol...Get off the band wagon and read what i wrote again!!!....This article is B.S. on any level without the for mentioned being applied! My argument has nothing to do with white on white or black on black crime like this bogus blog at all so get it straight!!!!! Its completely moot without the varying factors! I could give a shit less who is creating more crime White or Black but it starts or stops either way with the conduct and control of ones self! Do i choose to commit criminal acts, do i choose to make an excuse for my behavior, can i justify my actions using the race card????? (WE) all have that choice! (ME?) I choose to try my damndest to be the best (ME) i can be! No one can change that not past or present!!!

Dawn Brown-Venturini · Chicago Vocational High School
This is not surprising to me. I watch the Investigation Discovery Channel. That channel keeps it real! To be honest all people have the potential to do horrific things to one another. There is no particular race that is more evil than the other. The Bible says that "man will dominate man to his own injury" and that is what is happening today. When you know the truth, you cannot be fooled only amused by how people try and deceive one another. Hell, I watch my back no matter what neighborhood I'm in. I never get to comfortable people are doing crazy things.

Gary McDonald
Excellently written, I agree 100%

Paula Webster · Liverpool, New York
Gary McDonald but the media always put the picture on us..the black folks as doing all of the homicide..not fair

Gary McDonald
Paula Webster ...Paula i live a mile outside Detroit and watching the news its predominantly Black crime being reported! WHY? Its for absolutely no other reason than the majority of the population is Black and the city is economically in ruins and many other reasons, its not because there are more BAD Black people, just more Black period! In Windsor,Ontario Canada ( directly across from Detroit the News about crime is predominantly about Whites! Because of the overwhemling majority is White....Thats why i state that these things have to be considered....depending on what city your from what news you watch!

William Knowlin
The purpose of this article is to point out the fact that the American media has portrayed African Americans as a race of criminals not capable of being civilized productive human beings. This portrayal has existed every since the first black and white box came of production lines and placed into the homes of American families. But statistics has always proven this to be incorrect. This isn’t about vilifying white America but instead painting a true picture about my brothers and sisters by comparing their stats to the people who are actually in power doing the vilifying. For those people who are pointing out the fact that white outnumber blacks 6:1 and this is why white statistics are higher than blacks. I ask you, when you are listening to the media speak about black on black crimes, do you scream out load that whites co...See More

Steve Ingram · Top Commenter
america is made up of 10 percent african american. the rest are all mixed up.english irish russian polock exctt....the list goes on forever. so if where counting all the mixed races as white of course theres more so called white on white deaths lol.cause where talking about the other so many percent.(:

Demotro Polis · Top Commenter
yup, against all odds ... too bad true history isn't being taught in amerikkkan indoctrination centers ... oops, i mean schools ...

if true history was being taught to the past six generations, kids of every color would not fall for racist media hype

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