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Dołączył: 14 Wrz 2007
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Wysłany: Wto 21:56, 02 Gru 2008 Temat postu: |
28-letnia Tonya Fetrow miala dziecko z 29-letnim czarnuchem ze zdjecia. Chciala zakonczyc znajomosc. W sobote na poczatku listopada 2008 czarnuch sie przyczepil kiedy z przyjaciolka wyszly na drinka.
Tonya prowadzaca samochod zatrzymala sie na stopie. Czarnuch siedzacy na za nia na tylnym siedzeniu zaczal ja dusic. Jej przyjaciolka oderwala rece od szyji Toni. Tonya wyskoczyla z samochodu i zaczela uciekac. Czarnuch pobiegl za nia. Powali ja na ziemie. Uderzyl kilka razy i zaczal ja tratowac, skakac po szyji i kopac ja w glowe. Podniosl ja za wlosy i pociagal bezwladne cialo w kierunku samochodu. Wrzucil ja na tylne siedzenie i odjechal. Cialo czarnuch wyrzucil na przypadkowy podjazd do czyjegos garazu i zostalo znalezione 7 godzin pozniej.
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Tanya Feltrow z prawej strony
Tonji mama zmarla w 2000 roku na azbestoze i ojciec bardzo przezyl smierc swojej zony. Jak sie dowiedzial ze corka zostala zamordowana przez czarnucha to umarl z rozpaczy dwa tygodne po smierci corki.
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Ostatnio zmieniony przez palmela dnia Wto 22:23, 02 Gru 2008, w całości zmieniany 2 razy
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Dołączył: 14 Wrz 2007
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Wysłany: Wto 22:54, 02 Gru 2008 Temat postu: |
To biale 11-miesieczne dziecko zostalo pobite i walniete na smierc przez 28-letniego czarnucha Derrick A. Fox, bojfrienda matki, kiedy ta byla w pracy:
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Ostatnio zmieniony przez palmela dnia Śro 16:38, 03 Gru 2008, w całości zmieniany 2 razy
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Dołączył: 14 Wrz 2007
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Wysłany: Śro 16:34, 03 Gru 2008 Temat postu: |
Spokojny 65-letni Cecil Mills, ojciec, dziadek 10 wnuczkow, ktory nie wadzil nikomu zostal zastrzelony w swoim domu
pod koniec pazdziernika 2008.
Mordercy nie znaleziono.
Az tu w ostatnia sobote, to chyba byl 29 listopad 2008, czarnuch strzelal do policjanta.
Zostal zaaresztowany i na policji Johnny Jones, zaczal mowic o zupelnie innej sprawie.
Wtedy sprawa 65-letniego Millsa zostala rozwiazana.
Johnny Jones wysypal 24-year Lamont Riley w niedziele i 24-year-old Charles Coring, III, w poniedzialek.
Teraz wszyscy trzej sa oskarzeni o morderstwo Cecil Millsa i policja uzyskala informacje, ze bron uzyta w morderstwie cecila Millsa jest ukryta w lesie .
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Ostatnio zmieniony przez palmela dnia Śro 16:39, 03 Gru 2008, w całości zmieniany 1 raz
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Dołączył: 14 Wrz 2007
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Wysłany: Pią 23:15, 05 Gru 2008 Temat postu: |
Zaczal sie pare dni temu proces trzech czarnuchow oskarzonych o zastrzelonie dwoch policjantow.
Czy bylo o tym glosno na swiecie?
Czy ktos widzial w bialoruskiej gazecie wzmianke o Timoszence, w telewizji wiadomosc o smierci Bialorusina ze zostal zastrzelony przez trzech afro-amerykanow? Nie, ale ja powiedzialam wiele razy o tym ze gdyby tylko w odwrotnych kolorach, to wtedy wszystkie media Fox, ABC, SKY, BBC CNN i inne trabily by w 4 strony swiata. Wtedy zdjeciami czarnoskorego bohatera - stroza porzadku publicznego bylyby oblepione stronice pierwszych stron zydowskich srodkow medialnych.
O zabitym przez czarnuchow policjancie w Nowym Jorku prawie nikt nie wie.
23-letni Russel Timoshenko razem z drugim policjantem zostali zastrzeleni na sluzbie. Trzeci policjant zostal ranny i zyje.
Na zdjeciu rodzice Tatiana i Leonid Timoszenko
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Ostatnio zmieniony przez palmela dnia Pią 23:29, 05 Gru 2008, w całości zmieniany 2 razy
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Dołączył: 14 Wrz 2007
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Wysłany: Śro 21:35, 10 Gru 2008 Temat postu: Maxine Myers |
Jaki opor moze stawiac 72-letnia biala kobieta napdnieta w swoim domu przez die bestie, bo jedna z nich krazyla samochodem
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LEESBURG, Fla. -- An 82-year-old woman was found dead in her home on Crest Avenue (see map) Sunday. Leesburg Police told Channel 9 that two men who were neighbors of the victim, Maxine Myers, confessed to killing Myers during a botched burglary.
Myers’ daughter said she grew concerned after she hadn’t heard from her mother in a couple of days and called police. An officer went to Myers’ home and found the elderly woman dead inside.
Ostatnio zmieniony przez palmela dnia Czw 23:51, 23 Cze 2011, w całości zmieniany 2 razy
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Dołączył: 14 Wrz 2007
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Wysłany: Pon 18:01, 15 Gru 2008 Temat postu: |
Czarnuch co sie nazywa White (bialy)
zostal znaleziony martwy w celi wieziennej 29 czerwca 2008 trzy dni po tym jak do niej trafil za zabojstwo sierzanta policji Richarda Findley.
Lekarz sadowy zeznal, ze czarnuch najprawdopodobniej byl lekko podduszony i jego koncowy raport sugrowal udlawienie sie przescieradlem albo...... lokciem.
Inni klawiesze zeznali, ze smierc byla samobojstwem.
Jeden z nich powiedzial, ze powieszil sie na przescieradle....
Sprawa nie jest zamknieta
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Przeciez to jasne jak slonce, ze czarnuch White umarl smiercia naturalna!
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Dołączył: 14 Wrz 2007
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Wysłany: Śro 16:13, 27 Maj 2009 Temat postu: Ken Tillery |
When the car passed Tillery's home and arrived at a gas station, he jumped out and tried to flee, but was caught and beaten by the three black men. Tillery's attackers ran him over, and as a result, his body was dragged under the vehicle for 20 to 30 feet before it separated from the ve
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Dołączył: 14 Wrz 2007
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Wysłany: Śro 0:55, 17 Cze 2009 Temat postu: |
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Dołączył: 14 Wrz 2007
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Wysłany: Wto 14:27, 27 Lip 2010 Temat postu: |
Remone Houchens
Louisa County Sheriff's OfficeOn Monday, Remone Jilantai Houchens, 19, who is accused of breaking into a home on May 22, and brutally beating an 87-year-old grandmother, appeared in a Louisa County courtroom for a preliminary hearing. His trial is set to start in early December.
The victim, Lois Rosson, was punched in the face repeatedly, and left blind in one eye. Prosecutors allege that Houchens also groped the woman and licked her face.
Houchens, an alleged member of the Bloods street gang, has given police two conflicting accounts of the crime.
Houchens originally told investigators that he was running from Crips gang members and simply “fell through” Rosson’s door. He also told Louisa County Sheriff’s Detective Scott Renalds that he never hurt Rosson.
According to the interview transcript, Houchens said: “And you got to believe, and this from the bottom of my heart. I wasn't in the house to hurt no one. I promise.”
He continued: “I kept saying -- I was like, 'Look. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just trying to' -- but she won't -- it was like she wasn't hearing me.”
Houchens claimed Rosson fell and hurt herself.
Four days later, he told detective Lt. Howard Porter a different story.
Houchens told Porter that he and a friend broke into Rosson’s home with the intention of burglarizing the property, and his supposed cohort “pushed her over.”
Houchens said: “It was basically in and out, but really, I helped her up and told her I wasn't there to hurt her, you know.”
“She already old,” he said. “You won't -- you can blow her over. You know what I'm saying? And that's not my style. Anybody know that's not my style.”
When he was taken into custody, Houchens clearly had cuts and bruises on his knuckles and a scratch on the side of his face.
Houchens is charged with felony aggravated malicious wounding, robbery and burglary with the intent to commit robbery.
DNA evidence linked Houchens to the crime scene, as he apparently cut himself on broken glass in Rosson’s home.
At the time of the assault, Houchens was already free on bond on a felony charge of having carnal knowledge of a 13-year-old child.
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Dołączył: 14 Wrz 2007
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Wysłany: Wto 19:19, 27 Lip 2010 Temat postu: John White marine student from Delaware |
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Dołączył: 14 Wrz 2007
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Wysłany: Wto 19:28, 27 Lip 2010 Temat postu: |
Surveillance video captured a University of Toledo student being followed by the man suspected of killing him, authorities said at a news conference Monday morning.
University of Toledo student, Casey Bucher, 22, called 911 after he was stabbed by a man who accosted him as he was leaving Maxwell's Brew, 2661 West Bancroft Street. Mr. Bucher worked there part time, but was "just hanging out" there before the incident, Toledo Police Chief Mike Navarre said.
Mr. Bucher, 22, of who lived near campus, died at Toledo Hospital late Sunday of his wounds, police said. He was a graduate of Anthony Wayne High School, and was a UT sophomore majoring in exercise science.
Security cameras outside the pub recorded the two walking the same direction on the street, but did not record the stabbing, Chief Navarre said. The suspect was identified by his unique clothing in the surveillance video and arrested at his home at the apartments behind the pub soon after, the chief said.
The suspect, Lawrence Fitzgerald James, 24, of 2635 Indian River Road, confessed to police that he demanded cash or cigarettes before he stabbed the student once in the chest at Bancroft Street and Westwood Avenue about 8 p.m. Sunday, Chief Navarre said.
RELATED DATA: Toledo Blade Homicide Report
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The suspect was arrested and charged with murder. James was held Monday on $500,000 bond in the Lucas County jail. He will next appear in court July 26, at 9 a.m.
This is the 16th homicide so far this year in Toledo.
James has an extensive record, and was released from a two-year prison June 6 for a felonious assault in which a person was stabbed, Chief Navarre said. He served at Lebanon Correctional Institution in southwestern Ohio.
University of Toledo Police Chief Jeff Newton said the attack against Mr. Bucher was an unusual, random act against a student.
"These incidents are very random, and very difficult to prevent," Chief Newton said. "My heart goes out first to the victim and second to the UT community."
Kaye Patten Wallace, vice president for student affairs at UT, said the university is prepared to offer counseling for students and is in contact with the Bucher family.
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Dołączył: 14 Wrz 2007
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Wysłany: Czw 23:41, 23 Cze 2011 Temat postu: Dano Cicciaro |
20/20 Exclusive: 'I Never Meant to Shoot That Young Man'
April 4, 2008
Teenage jealousy, racial tensions, too much alcohol and a single gunshot:
All those elements came together on Aug. 9, 2006. And when it was over, Dano Cicciaro, a white teenager, lay dead, while John White, an African American family man, stood accused of murder.
The incident and the trial that followed would spark racial tensions in a quiet, overwhelmingly white suburb. White was convicted of manslaughter last December, which was just the beginning of the story. Now, in an exclusive interview with "20/20" co-anchor Elizabeth Vargas, White says that the incident was a terrible, tragic accident.
In 2004, White, 53, and his family moved to Miller Place, a tranquil seaside suburb on Long Island, N.Y., and his son Aaron entered Miller Place High School as a senior. Aaron White was just one of four black students but he made a big effort to become part of his class and succeed in school. He attended neighborhood gatherings where auto-obsessed teens showcased their rides. Few at those get-togethers were more passionate about cars than 17-year-old Daniel Cicciaro. Known to everyone as Dano, he'd been a regular at his father's garage since he was 8 years old and planned to follow in his father's footsteps.
They were two kids with promising futures, but Dano Cicciaro and Aaron White were about to be set on a tragic collision course. In December 2005, two friends of Aaron's — posing as Aaron in an Internet chat room as a prank — made sexual threats against a local girl named Jennifer Martin.
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